My Work

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Strike 3 YOU'RE OUT!!

I love hearing that! Especially when it is MY boy doing the pitching. This is the first year that Jeffrey's team has had live pitching. We have won every game where Jeffrey has been the starting Pitcher. I am a proud Mom, can you tell? Here are a couple pics of my little baseball stud pitching

I have gotten a couple LO's done recently too! Only have 1 pics so far. I just got some of the new Crate Paper and I just had to play with it. This is from the Katlin line.

Hope you are all having a great week. We have another ball game tonight so here's to winning :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this layout and i love your photos ! Im so into the photos lately and these are just great ! Have a great week !

Crop Addict :)

Jen said...

Great photos of your son pitching...congrats Mom :)

Jana Eubank said...

Beautiful layout! I LOVE every single thing about it, Nicole! And what cute pics of your little man! ;)